There probably are more clever options than this. You could use ESX again to sample (all in one go) the reversed audio coming from this reversed-order notes, and attach it to a given key of your keyboard.
I have not thought about how to have this triggered by a given key. Obviously the second step will work as well if you start with Software instruments, of course. * Then use the midi transform capabilities to reverse the order in which notes are played (try for instance the "Reverse position" preset).

* First transform your audio region into an ESX Sampler instrument (creates samples from the individual notes, attach them to specific midi notes, and then have this ESX played with these midi notes to reproduce what the audio region was originally playing). If it's only the order of the notes you want reversed, and these notes are detached enough from one another you could : Others have pointed the ability to hit "reverse" in the audio regions inspector, that will reverse the whole audio. I'm not fully sure whether what you mean is just about the ordre of the notes (reverse that order) or whether you want to reverse the audio sound as well (like a verb played in reverse mode so that it creates a sweep in effect).

Any other relevant ideas would be welcome. So in theory I would create a stack of instruments, press a key on my keyboard and all the samples from those software insts would be played back / looped in reverse instead of being played forward? I think this could create some really nice soundscapes and I want to experiment. Is there a way to play multiple instruments backwards.